specializes in designing, manufacturing
and installing Turnkey Projects of
technology for intensive agriculture in
any part of the world. The facilities
demonstrate the best practices of crop
management for fruits, flowers,
vegetables and high value crops.
Greenhouse technology is an investment
with a real return on investment, but in
order to get the most out of it you’d
need more than a good structure, you’d
need the right ally. HABPL has a
professional team that accompanies you
from design to start-up
A Greenhouse is a structure in which
plants are grown. These structures range
in size from small sheds to very large
buildings. It provides complete
environment for growing flowers,
vegetables and fruits.
HABPL uses latest State of Art technology
to create greenhouse structures with
suitable conditions for perfect growing
of crops using modern & latest state
of the art technology to control
temperature, humidity and light, as per
specific crop requirements. The company
has till date built structures for
various Agricultural Universities,
institutes and State Horticulture
Departments, tissue culture labs,
corporates. The green houses are
customized as per the customers’
requirements. HABPL has been actively
involved in establishing various
projects on turnkey basis for different
state government, agricultural
universities and co operations etc.
Green House Models
Climate Control Green House
Naturally Ventilated Poly House
PV Greenhouse / Solar Greenhouse
Shed Net House
Polycarbonate Greenhouses
Tunnel Type Greenhouse
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo
blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.